We have taken delivery of our first NaabsaMAX, Thun Blyth. She is now entering into a long-term agreement with UK based Geos Group Ltd. Her first destination was the port of Blyth in UK where she will start operating. Please find out more reading our press release.
News archive from 2020
New Chairman of the Board of Erik Thun AB
We are happy to let you know that Margareta Alestig has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board in Erik Thun AB, from 1 September.
Margareta has extensive experience from the shipping and the logistics industry, as well as the financial industry, both as operative management and from board assignments.
She has been, amongst other assignments, CFO for the listed company Broström AB, CFO for JCE Group AB and for Swisslog AB. Her current operating position is Deputy Managing Director for the Sixth Swedish National Pension Fund. Margareta Alestig has a graduate in Business Administration. We are looking forward to be working together with Margareta and we believe that her wide and profound experience will be important when developing our company further.
M/V Thun Blyth successfully launched
Shipping unites, also in challenging times, the naming and launching of our NaabsaMAX is a good example of that. Together from Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and UK we in Thun Tankers, Geos Group and MF Shipping Group are happy to welcome our new vessel. ”May she and all who sail in her stay well!”
You are welcome to watch the launch online.
Fifth L-class delivered in China
On Tuesday 7 July, Thun Tankers took delivery of the fifth L-class, Thun Lundy, at China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (former known as AVIC Dingheng) in China. Just like her sister ships – Thun Lidkoping, Thun London, Thun Liverpool & Thun Liffey – she will enter the Gothia Tanker Alliance network.
Please read more in our press release.
Vessel and crew
(photo taken by Claas Vis, MF Shipping Group superintendent on site)
Erik Thun AB i stor utbildningssatsning
Erik Thun AB gör sin största satsning hittills i vidareutbildning av såväl ombordanställd som landanställd personal genom den nya online-utbildningsplattformen Seably. I det första skedet gäller det personal på kontoret i Lidköping och samtliga ombordanställda på fartyg under färöisk flagg, vilka opereras från Lidköping.
-Precis som många andra rederier ser vi att våra anställda är det viktigaste vi har. De tar hand om våra tillgångar på ett bra sätt och det är viktigt att de får möjlighet att utbilda sig vidare. Förr hade man sin roll och den var rätt statisk. Vi ser att det är många som gör karriär i företaget och hittar nya roller, säger Henrik Källsson, vice VD för Erik Thun AB.
Läs hela artikeln i Sjöfartstidningen.
Thun Tankers orders a second NaabsaMAX product tanker – Enters into a long-term agreement with Geos Group Ltd.
Our subsidiary Thun Tankers BV has placed an order for a second 4,250-deadweight product tanker. The ordered tanker will be delivered May 2022 and will together with her previously ordered sister enter into a long-term agreement with UK based Geos Group Ltd. Both vessels will be built with “NAABSA” design – “Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground” – being able to call tidal restricted niche ports.
Sustainability report Erik Thun AB 2019
Erik Thun AB has published its sustainability report for 2019. The sustainability report is a way to describe the economic, environmental and social impacts of our everyday activities, as a complement to the annual report. Shipping is a controlled industry and restricted in many ways by global policies and sustainability has constantly been an important part in how we work and do business.
We have focused on our environmental, social, and business ethical responsibilities, describing how we work proactively to analyze risk and avoid incidents. We also strive to be technical innovators when it comes to clever solutions that minimize the environmental footprint.
Please find out more here >>
An update from our partner Preem
Another step towards sustainable shipping for our dual fueled E-Class product tanker Thun Evolve:
Kinne levererar moduler för bostadsbygge
Vårt lastfartyg Kinne lossade idag ett fyrtiotal moduler i Frihamnen i Göteborg som ska användas till det pågående bygget av temporära bostäder på Kvillepiren på Hisingen. Det är första gången som leveransen sker med båt och det innebär en 60-procentig reduktion av koldioxid jämfört med om godset transporterats med lastbil.
Läs gärna mer här.
Foto från Älvstranden Utveckling
Fourth L-class vessel delivered in China
Yesterday, we took delivery of the fourth L-class, Thun Liffey at China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (former known as AVIC Dingheng) in China. Just like her sister ships – Thun Lidkoping, Thun London & Thun Liverpool – she will enter the Gothia Tanker Alliance network.