Ship Photos Photos of a variety of Thun ships can be seen here. Erik Thun Group on Instagram The sun is shining and so is our good lady MV Kinn Last Friday, May 3rd, the “Thun Reliance” was Welcome to a live feed from the launching of FS468 The dry cargo vessel 'Tuna' under way in Lake Vän The vessels in our fleet operate every day of the The month of March is coming to an end, and in the With a fleet of nearly 50 vessels and 14 new vesse A ship is coming together! The process of buildin Welcoming the pilot onboard in a wintery landscape If you were to join the crew of one of our dry car Thun Resource passing Vlissingen, inbound towards We would like to wish you a great weekend with the Welcome Thun Resource! The first in a series of "Sea trials for Thun Resource are completed. Durin Our E-Class, Thun Empower approaching Fuglafjørdu The Erik Thun Group is pleased to announce the add Thun Gothenburg dropping outbound pilot at Flushin The self-unloading dry cargo vessel Sunnanhav capt We wish you all a Happy and prosperous New Year 20 For more than 40 years, the Alice & Helge Källsso Follow on Instagram Erik Thun Group on flickr MV KinneMV VestanhavMV VestanhavMV Thun GalaxyMV Thun GazelleMV Thun GazelleMV Thun GratitudeThun Glory in MalmöThun Glory in MalmöThun Glory in MalmöThun Greenwich at FalkvarvThun Greenwich at FalkvarvMV GarlandThun Globe leaving FalkenbergIMG_9025IMG_0991Thun Gemini at Falkvarv drydockThun Gemini at Falkvarv drydockThun Gemini at Falkvarv drydockThun Gemini at Falkvarv drydock