

The Erik Thun Group has four categories of ships, ranging in size from 4,000 to 18,684 tons deadweight. You will find our fleet lists in the column to the left.

Dry Cargo

Our 12 conventional dry cargo ships are of Vänermax size (abt 4-6.500 dwt) and sail between Lake Vänern, the west coast of Sweden, the Baltic Sea and continental and Mediterranean ports. They are commercially managed from our head office in Lidköping.

Self Unloaders

Our four self unloading ships are all equipped with Thun Cargo Scooper discharging equipment.  This means they can discharge independently around the clock, without need for shore based facilities. The closed, dust-free discharging system will operate regardless of the weather. They can carry all kinds of bulk materials from alumina to sticky concentrates.

The Self Unloaders range in size up to 10,500 dwt and are engaged in international shipping. They are commercially managed by Thun Self-Unloaders.

Cement Carriers

In 2014 we started JT Cement AS, a joint venture within cement shipping, together with Norwegian shipowner Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi AS. From autumn 2018, NovaAlgoma Cement Carriers (NACC) became part of this venture and from December 2021, JT Cement is owned 50% by Erik Thun AB and 50% by NACC . Through JT Cement we are part-owners of eight self-unloading cement carriers, all under 8,050 dwt. These vessels are employed in Northern Europe.


Our 19 product tankers (from 4,250 to 18,684 dwt) mostly sail the North European seas with refined petroleum products as cargo.

The tankers are commercially managed by our subsidiary Thun Tankers, which also serves externally owned ships.